Riverdale Local Schools will graduate 100% of its students. All Riverdale students, within one year of graduation, will pursue post-secondary education, skill training, or be employed in a career related to skills developed through school curriculum.
Parent Involvement
We will design and implement a parental involvement program.
Promote a Parent Advisory Committee in K-6
Promote a Parent Advisory Committee in 7-12
Promote all Booster Clubs
Promote a community newspaper
Do job shadowing
Promote Prom and Post-Prom planning
Develop parenting skills
We will establish and implement a plan to provide for the use of appropriate technology as a tool to enable the district to meet its mission and objectives.
Increase technology hardware availability to students, staff and community.
Increase technology software availability to students, staff and community.
Provide opportunity for staff development.
Provide instruction to staff for use of hardware and software.