Many thanks to our PTO for sponsoring the Despicable Me 4 (Minion) movie at the school last night and all who were able to come out and enjoy! (Picture taken by Board President Tony Butler)
Falcon golfers at Sycamore Springs playing in the OHSAA Sectionals.
Ms Lifer's Forensic classes were busy making shoeprints this week.
Powder Puff Football: Friday, September 27th from 1:00-3:00
Academic Boosters in collaboration with Mandy's Custom Creations is offering a fundraiser for Yard Signs. Signs are $20 for a single side or $25 for double sided. Order forms are available in the high school office or reach out to a booster member. Money and forms are due to the office by Tues. Oct. 1! Thanks for your support!
Please find a short, informational video about the 2024 5-Year Permanent Improvement Levy here:
Elementary Fundraiser Begins TODAY!
Thursday, September 19, 2024 Riverdale local schools will be on a 2 hour delay due to fog.
Students celebrated Constitution Day in Mr. Jackel's American History and American Government class. Students received a pocket Constitution and Constitution cookies.
Community Can collection will be 9/18-9/19. Please bring bagged cans to the dumpster by the bus parking. This helps our Juniors with Prom and our Seniors with their scholarship opportunities.
Seniors- Ball Metal applications are due Thursday. Bring them to Mrs Schlarb ASAP.
REMINDER! Riverdale HS Student Council is hosting a blood drive Wed, Sept 25th in the auxiliary gym from 9-2. Sign up with Mrs. Shaw or on the Red Cross app!
Join us at our first District town hall meeting, Tuesday, September 17 at 5:30pm RHS Cafeteria. The district PI levy will the topic of discussion. See you there...
Our Elementary Fundraiser begins this THURSDAY, SEPT. 19th!
C'mon out to Reineke Ford in Findlay this SATURDAY 9/14/24 from 9:00am-1:00pm to support Riverdale Athletics! Test Drive a new car, buy concessions and bake sale items, and get your car washed! #BluePride
Current Juniors and Seniors that meet the GPA qualification for applying to NHS, please check your emails as your application was sent out last week. This is a reminder that applications are due Thursday, September 19th.
8th graders who are planning on going to Washington DC: Mandatory Meeting TONIGHT, Sept. 10 at 6:00pm in the cafeteria of the K-12 building . If you want to go with us to Washington DC, it is required that you are there with a guardian! Hope to see you all tonight!
Riverdale is hosting another blood drive!
Reminder to Seniors- Ball Metal scholarship application is due Sept 19. Pick up in Mrs Schlarb's room.
Community- please drop all bagged aluminum cans on Sept 18-19 in the dumpster by the bus parking. This allows our students to participate in the scholarship program.
We are looking for community members to be part of our RELM program. The Riverdale Early Literacy Mentorship program works with students in grades K-2 to help improve literacy skills. This program marks year 6 in helping our youngest students learn, read and grow.
For more information call the number on the flyer.
RHS Marching Band, The Hardin County Band Show was impressive last night, Great job Ms. Alllison Rader, and all band members.