Riverdale 1. Bluffton 0 Congratulations Boys Soccer. District Champions!!!⚽️☝️
about 4 years ago, Dan Evans
Phone Call and Text Notification. If you are not currently getting a call/txt and would like to, please reach out with an email to me at jdemotte@rdfalcons.net . I will be glad to add you to the list. You can also download our Riverdale App from the Play Store (Android) or App store (Apple) by searching for "Riverdale Apptegy".
about 4 years ago, John DeMotte
Due to a lack of substitute drivers, bus 14 will be running about 90 minutes late on the AM route only.
about 4 years ago, Jeff Young
Late Bud
Please read this important Covid-19 update concerning Riverdale Schools. https://5il.co/mk6d
about 4 years ago, Jeff Young
Please check out this important school update regarding county levels and how we will navigate moving forward. https://5il.co/mill
about 4 years ago, Jeff Young
PTO Spirit Ware Shop is Open. Get Yours Today.
about 4 years ago, John DeMotte
PTO Spirit Ware Shop is Open. Get Yours Today.
Allison Woodruff competed in the Ohio State Middle School Championships Sunday and finished 10th earning herself a spot on the podium and a medal 🏅💙 Way to go, Allison!
about 4 years ago, Dan Evans
Please read this important Covid-19 update concerning the Riverdale Schools. https://5il.co/mfej
about 4 years ago, Dan Evans
Do you have questions for the Board? The Board would like to invite you to submit a question to Questions@rdfalcons.net and answer them at the next Board meeting on Monday, October 26th at 6:00 PM.
about 4 years ago, Jeff Young
Cross Country spent time volunteering at the City Mission of Findlay today & last week. Some of these kids are going to school, working, playing 2 sports at a time- and they still found time to serve others. We hope this will inspire you to do the same. We all have something to give- no matter how busy our schedules are. 😊❤️
about 4 years ago, John DeMotte
cc students working
CC students
Please read the latest important Covid 19 update concerning Riverdale Schools. https://5il.co/makd
about 4 years ago, Dan Evans
Are you planning on taking the ACT this fall or winter? Then you should also plan to attend the ACT Review Sessions being held via Zoom by Liberty Benton High School. High school students should have received more info via their school email, including the link to the sessions.
about 4 years ago, Nikki Williams
Students in grades 6-12 and their parents. Please open the following link to access some important changes related to the return to the 5 day a week school schedule. https://5il.co/m7k6
over 4 years ago, Dan Evans
Elementary Picture Day will be on Tuesday, Oct. 20 for students in Grades 3-5 and on Thursday, Oct. 22 for K-2 students.
over 4 years ago, Dr. Greer
Reminder that students will begin attending every day beginning Tues. Oct. 20. If you have a borrowed Chromebook for remote learning days, please return that to Mr. DeMotte on Monday 8am-3pm or send with your child to school when they return on Tuesday. Also, parent teacher conferences will be held virtually on Mon. Oct. 19 from 8am-8pm. If you have not already signed up, please do so.
over 4 years ago, Dr. Greer
Support the Class of 2022- order online using the code or take this pic in. Thanks for your support.
over 4 years ago, Jill Schlarb
Support the class of 2022 (Jr/Sr Prom)
Senior families: Just a reminder that tonight is our Financial Aid night via Zoom at 6:30pm. Both you and your student should have received an email with the Zoom link. We will be covering everything financial aid related including starting your FAFSA! "See" you tonight at 6:30!
over 4 years ago, Nikki Williams
Financial Aid Night- 6:30pm!
Please support the Boys Soccer team today. Show the flyer or use the code for online ordering
over 4 years ago, Jill Schlarb
Support the Boys soccer team!
All Seniors, the deadline to submit your graduation order is Thursday, October 15th. Go to www.jostens.com or call 1-800-JOSTENS to place your order. Every senior needs to submit an order to capture measurements for their cap & gown for gradation day.
over 4 years ago, Dan Evans
A friendly reminder that Parent/Teacher Conferences are Monday, October 19th. If you would like a conference with your child's teacher, please sign up. High School /Middle School-Grades 6- 12 use this link. https://www.myconferencetime.com/rdfalcons
over 4 years ago, Dan Evans