Riverdale Juniors in Mr. Jackel's American Government Class have done the Real Money Real World Simulation this week. A big thank you to all the volunteer that made this event possible.
over 1 year ago, Peter Jackel
Real Money Real World
Real Money Real World
Real Money Real World
Please follow this link (https://5il.co/1urnt) for an opportunity to support a Class of 2024 Grad with senior pictures thanks to #KindnessForCaiden
over 1 year ago, Riverdale Local Schools
You can still sign up to join us for the Color Run on Saturday May, 27th, though you are not guaranteed a shirt. Also, please check out the order of events for Saturday! Register at: https://forms.gle/UFi8nTEwkV7Coxgd9
over 1 year ago, Riverdale National Honor Society
5k Color Run Schedule: 8:30-9am check-in, 9am kids run, 9:10/9:15 am color run, pancakes and sausage for purchase following the run!
Still want to run the 5k? you can still regist4er without  a shirt at: https://forms.gle/UFi8nTEwkV7Coxgd9
A big thank you to Jennifer Little of the OSU 4H Extension for presenting to the Juniors in Mr. Jackel's Government class about "Real Money Real World". This simulation will allow students to become 25-35 year old people with families and a job. They will learn how taxes work, how car payments work, how college debt works and how home mortgages work. They will do this simulation on Friday in the Auxiliary Gym.
over 1 year ago, Peter Jackel
Real Money Real World
Many have asked if there was a way to prepay for Kona Ice. Yes, there is! Use the QR code to prepay for the Kona Ice fundraiser to benefit the Swavel family and the "Run Through First" Scholarship.
over 1 year ago, Kathy Caudill
5/19 Kona code
Field Day fun and games, K-2 Falcons having a great day
over 1 year ago, Greg Rossman
Field Day fun and games
Field Day fun and games
Field Day fun and games
Field Day fun and games
Congratulations to all students receiving honors, awards or a scholarship last night at our HS Academic Awards
over 1 year ago, Greg Rossman
Congratulations to all students receiving honors or a scholarship last night at our HS Academic Awards
Congratulations to all students receiving honors or a scholarship last night at our HS Academic Awards
Congratulations to all students receiving honors or a scholarship last night at our HS Academic Awards
Congratulations to all students receiving honors or a scholarship last night at our HS Academic Awards
Now is the time to come to the Corner Dairy Barn today until 8:30 pm! We hope to see you there!
over 1 year ago, Brittany Hayter
Corner Dairy Bar Fundraiser for NHS 5k Mental Health Awareness #kindnessforCaiden 15% of sales (minus gift certificates) get donated to the cause. when: Monday, May 15th, 2023 from 4:00pm to 8:30pm
Kona Ice will be at Riverdale Wednesday May 17th from 10:45 - 1:00. This is a fundraiser for the Swavel family and the "Run Through First Base" Memorial Scholarship.
over 1 year ago, Kathy Caudill
Kona Ice
Students are encouraged to wear hats to represent Riverdale, Upper Sandusky, Cincinnati Reds, Cleveland Browns, or any baseball hat this Wednesday! Help support the Run Through First Base Memorial Scholarship & Swavel Family by donating $1 to wear a hat! Elementary students may also donate to their classroom teacher. Middle & High School students should donate in the cafeteria on Wednesday.
over 1 year ago, Nicole Baumer
LS Hat Day
Riverdale Elementary held a Historical Museum today where grade levels were able to visit each other to see what Social Studies projects each had been working on this spring.
over 1 year ago, Kristie Thacker
Third Grade State Reports
Fourth Grade Famous African Americans
Fifth Grade Roller Coasters!
Second Grade Famous Historical Figures Reports
Thank You, Wharton Church of God, the Bash and Miller Families for providing plenty of delicious items for our Falcon staff this morning...
over 1 year ago, Greg Rossman
Cupcakes, doughnuts, buckeyes and more..
Cupcakes, doughnuts, buckeyes and more..
Cupcakes, doughnuts, buckeyes and more..
The High School Academic Awards Ceremony will take place Monday, May 15 in the cafeteria. Pie will be served at 5:30 and awards will begin at 6pm. Students and parents of those receiving awards have been notified via email. If you have questions, please email Mrs. Shaw at eshaw@riverdalefalcons.org
over 1 year ago, Emily Shaw
Awards Invitation
High school scheduling has begun at Riverdale. The course catalog can be found on the Mrs. Shaw's webpage, found here- https://www.riverdalefalcons.org/page/high-school-guidance . Parents are encouraged to talk to their students about the classes they have signed up for and current graduation requirements. If parents have questions about high school scheduling, please email Mrs. Shaw at eshaw@riverdalefalcons.org.
over 1 year ago, Emily Shaw
Today is the last day to sign up for a shirt for the 5k on May 27th! Come join us for a color run! Mr. Wright is making pancakes and sausage for after the race so bring your money and join us for a color run and breakfast! https://forms.gle/HBY26QvqgeHqZqNT8
over 1 year ago, Riverdale National Honor Society
Today is the last day for a shirt! Don't forget to sign up for the 5k!
The Corner Dairy Bar & Grill will be giving 15% of total sales on Monday May 15th to Kindness for Caiden!
over 1 year ago, Riverdale Local Schools
Kindness for Caiden
United Way/Marathon "Days of Caring" at Riverdale Local Schools. A BIG Thank you to the crew today; mulching, weeding, cleaning, and helping out on campus. Thank You!
over 1 year ago, Greg Rossman
Marathon/United Way Service Project
Marathon/United Way Service Project
Marathon/United Way Service Project
Marathon/United Way Service Project
Thank You to the Toledo Opera for an amazing performance today in our auditorium for our K-5 students and staff. Great show!
over 1 year ago, Greg Rossman
Toledo Opera
Toledo Opera
Toledo Opera
Toledo Opera
Class of 2024- senior shirts are on sale through Friday. Please submit the Google form and bring Mrs Schlarb money by that date. This will be our only order!!
over 1 year ago, Jill Schlarb
Riverdale Local Schools will be closed on Thursday, May 11, 2023. On behalf of the Riverdale Local Schools board of education, administration, faculty and staff, we all will continue to support and assist everyone in need during this challenging time. Arrangements for Mr. Luke Swavel can be found here: https://5il.co/1ty5p
over 1 year ago, Riverdale Local Schools