Classroom nature/educational walks, a great day to learn in this amazing weather.
over 1 year ago, Greg Rossman
Educational walks
Educational walks
Educational walks
TLC read Earth Day books to classes in grades k-2. They each received a sticker for their great listening skills. We also offered an Earth day coloring contest to grades 3-5. The winner will be chosen and a small prize awarded for one student in each grade.
over 1 year ago, Greg Rossman
Earth Day
Earth Day
Earth Day
Earth Day
Thank you to Riverdale TLC and Mrs. Schlarb for their donation of earth day books and stickers for the library. These books were read to our elementary students and donated for them to enjoy again.
over 1 year ago, Missie Borkosky
Earth Day books
Creative and impressive bulletin boards in our hallways....
over 1 year ago, Greg Rossman
Bulletin Board displays
Bulletin Board displays
Bulletin Board displays
Bulletin Board displays
Don't forget to Purple Up! tomorrow! We have a photo backdrop for anyone who would like to take their photo in front of it!
over 1 year ago, Brittany Hayter
Purple Up! April 2023 Month of the Military Child
McKenna Clark speaking today at the Franklin B. Walter scholastic luncheon in Columbus, congratulation McKenna, being named the Franklin B. Walter scholarship winner for ALL of Hancock county..
over 1 year ago, Greg Rossman
Franklin B. Walter winner, McKenna Clark
Franklin B. Walter
Enough tickets have now been sold for the middle school dance to continue.
over 1 year ago, Kathy Caudill
Thank you to Nick Kimmel and Country Auto Clinic for donating much needed sand paper to Riverdale Shop!
over 1 year ago, Levi Brown
Riverdale aluminum can collection will be May 10-11. Please make sure all donations are bagged or boxed. This helps our seniors participate in the yearly scholarship contest.
over 1 year ago, Jill Schlarb
Bus 6 will be one hour late this afternoon, Monday April 17, 2023. Please contact the school offices if you wish to pick up your student.
over 1 year ago, Greg Rossman
As of today 4/17 we have not sold enough middle school dance tickets. We will continue to sell tickets through the lunch periods on Wednesday. If enough tickets have not been sold by end of the day on Wednesday, the dance will be canceled.
over 1 year ago, Kathy Caudill
Reminder: High School EOC testing begins tomorrow Students in English 10 will test tomorrow and Wednesday from 8-10am Students in Algebra 1 and Geometry will test May 2-3 from 8-10am Students in US Studies, Government, and Biology will test May 4 from 8-10am If a student comes in at 8 am when they do not have testing they will be in studyhall from 8am-10am, then follow a 2 hour delay schedule.
over 1 year ago, Emily Shaw
Don't forget to Purple Up! and wear your purple Wednesday, April 19th with us!
over 1 year ago, Brittany Hayter
Purple Up! Day, celebrating our military connected youth, wear purple on April 19th, 2023 to show your support!
Grades 6-12 will be taking the Ohio State ELA tests on Tue, April 18th and Wed, April 19th. The tests will be from 8:00am - 10:00am. Students in 9-12 that are not testing may report to school at 10:00am. HS students that need to arrive at 8:00 should report to the Cafe.
over 1 year ago, Dan Evans
Bus #17 is running 30 minutes late, Monday April 17, 2023
over 1 year ago, Greg Rossman
Bus #6 will be 90 minutes late this morning, Monday, April 17, 2023. Due to bus driver shortage.
over 1 year ago, Greg Rossman
Congratulations to all who participated in the National Robotics Challenge. Top winners include: Mason Guckes - 1st place Combat Battle Royal Tyler Hattery & Daniel Donaldson - 3rd place ant weight combat robot.
almost 2 years ago, Levi Brown
Congrats to all shop and engineering students for displaying work at the state project show! Top winners include: 1st woods- Zach Tackett Entry table 1st metals - Mason Studer Night stand 1st CAD - Lane Dukes Inventor Packet 1st Construction- Jayden Roach, Abram Yeater, Nick Tackett 1st Electronics - Mitchell O'Flaherty sign 1st Stem - Nick Tackett floating table 2nd woods - Dylan Moran - 2 door 3rd woods - Daniel Donaldson- coffee 2nd Welding - Braden Mellot 2nd innovation - India Duston Round table 2nd - Austin Dukes - Puzzle Cube 2nd STEM - Carson Young, Mitchell O'Flaherty, Abram Yeater 2nd Overall in Display
almost 2 years ago, Levi Brown
PIE In The FACE!!!! Mr. Petrie and Mrs. Weatherholtz get a pie in the face at the assembly today... They were top winners in the district wide pop tab collection..
almost 2 years ago, Greg Rossman
Pie in the Face
Pie in the Face
Make sure to sign up for the color run!! Less than a month left to be guaranteed a shirt!
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Hayter