4ht Grade Recorder Concert! Don't miss the 7:00pm performance tonight...
almost 2 years ago, Greg Rossman
4th Grade Recorder Concert
4th Grade Recorder Concert
4th Grade Recorder Concert
4th Grade Recorder Concert
Falcon E-Sports team(s) advance to Regionals next month at Ohio Northern University, Great Job!
almost 2 years ago, Greg Rossman
Riverdale E-Sports Rocket Premier Team
Riverdale E-Sports Rocket Premier Team
Riverdale E-Sports Rocket Premier Team
Ms. Borkosky's math class in action, students described the attributes of a shape to their partners to try to recreate the original design, they did amazing...
almost 2 years ago, Greg Rossman
Ms. Borkosky's class
Ms. Borkosky's class
Ms. Borkosky's class
Ms. Borkosky's class
Witty, funny, and hilarious middle school performance! "Laffin School" , Great job cast and crew. If you missed today, catch tomorrow's matinee or prime time show at 7:00pm in the auditorium.
almost 2 years ago, Greg Rossman
Laffin School
Laffin School
Laffin School
Laffin School
Mr. Weatherholtz's class working hard this morning, great job class.
almost 2 years ago, Greg Rossman
Mrs. Weatherholtz's Class
Mrs. Weatherholtz's Class
Mrs. Weatherholtz's Class
Mrs. Weatherholtz's Class
The Riverdale Middle School play "Laffin' School" will presented on Friday March 24th at 7:00 PM. All tickets will be $5 and available for sale at the door.
almost 2 years ago, Kristie Thacker
Mrs. Thacker and Mr. Thacker's classes have hosted some college students from Japan in the last few weeks. Our visitors taught us about their culture, language, & country and we played some fun, traditional Japanese games.
almost 2 years ago, Kristie Thacker
The form to register for the 2023 NHS Color Run is live! Come run with us and support mental health awareness! https://forms.gle/aEkxHdd1GXy2UnKdA
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Hayter
Color Run
Accuplacer is a college entrance exam that many colleges use to place students in CCP classes. Information about the Accuplacer was sent to middle and high school students email today. Please reference the email and reach out to Mrs. Shaw for any questions!
almost 2 years ago, Emily Shaw
Save the Date for our 2nd 5k this year! Registration will be coming soon!
almost 2 years ago, Brittany Hayter
2023 Be The Light
Can't Stop, Won't Stop, Ms. Hayter is rocking her national pi day sweatshirt!
almost 2 years ago, Greg Rossman
pi day!
After a bit of a bumpy flight, the Senior class is heading out for the evening to Disney Springs. Looking forward to a great week in Orlando.
almost 2 years ago, Dan Evans
For the past 3 months, five elementary teachers have devoted their after school time and energy to a Professional Development book study with Mrs. Tammy Kissell, Education Supervisor from the Hancock Co. Educational Service Center. Reading was the primary focus of the book study; specifically, bringing the Science of Reading into the Balanced Literacy Classroom. Teachers who participated were Mrs. Amy Beckley, Miss Jena Bushong, Mrs. Alissa Farmer, Mrs. Kelly McCloud, and Mrs. Amanda Schutz.
almost 2 years ago, Julie Greer
book study
book study 1
book study2
Thank you to our Riverdale community for your continued support of the K-12 library and encouraging literacy in our students. Many thanks to our High School volunteers and Mrs. Pryor and Mrs. Voll for helping with the book Fair and Family night. We were able to purchase 173 new books for the library and gift over 35 books to our students and classrooms!
almost 2 years ago, Missie Borkosky
Book Fair Fun
Book Fair Fun
Book Fair Fun
Book Fair Fun
Book Fair Fun
Book Fair Fun
Book Fair Fun
Book Fair Fun
Mrs. Mowery's science classes have started research projects about natural disasters. They will be creating lap books to share their research with their classmates.
almost 2 years ago, Kara Mowery
Mrs. Dapper's students presenting their Gregorian calendars today in class, great job class.
almost 2 years ago, Greg Rossman
Gregorian Calendars
Gregorian Calendars
Gregorian Calendars
The High School Quiz Bowl team had a stellar finish to their 2022-23 Quiz Bowl season last night in Ada. They finished the night as 5-0 Hardin Invitational Champions! We’d like to give special recognition to our Seniors, Olivia Bolenbaugh, Colton Klingler, and Jenna Melroy.
almost 2 years ago, Dan Evans
A BIG thank you to TRIUMPH (Michael Fields) for their generous donation to Riverdale Local Schools food service program to support student lunch needs. THANK YOU!
almost 2 years ago, Greg Rossman
Triumph Food Service Donation
Triumph Food Service Donation
March Mammal Madness
almost 2 years ago, Greg Rossman
Mammal Madness
Middle school spring dance will be April 21 from 6 - 8. More information will be sent out after a theme has been decided on.
almost 2 years ago, Kathy Caudill