Tuesday morning spotlights, Mrs. Suever, Mrs. Speyer and Mrs. Brown's classes.
Come on out to our Riverdale PTO Craft show today. We are open until 2pm in the big gym. There are over 80 vendors and lots of delicious food and baked goods!!!
Good luck to Trenton Coppler as he heads to Div. III District Finals tonight! #BluePride
Special thanks to The Shelly Company for taking time to talk to junior and senior shop students about different career opportunities in their company!
Family Night at the Book Fair, In the Library from 5:30pm-7:30pm.
Reminder! Kona Ice will be at the school on Friday from 11-2. This is open to ALL STUDENTS. Elementary students can have theirs prepaid by scanning the QR code on the flier. Prepay orders are due Thursday by 6pm. Cash will be accepted on Friday.
Quest Federal Credit Union Teacher of the Year Nomination
Congratulations to the follow Falcons earning February students and staff of the Ethan Warren, Makaylee Frey, Zoey Norris, Gavin Stacy & Mr. Sam Petrie. GREAT JOB FALCONS!
E-I-E-I OOPS, 1st Grade Performance is adorable! come out tomorrow afternoon at 1:30pm or tomorrow night at 7:00pm to catch the performance
Thanks to everyone who helped TLC make a wonderful donation to Teddy's Rescue and the Hancock County Humane Society!
Congratulations to the following students who were chosen by essay contest to place the Riverdale Middle School wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers in Arlington National Cemetery in May on the 8th grade trip: Brody Berger, Grant Clay, Kydin Reed, and Annalese Woodruff.
3rd graders, doughnuts with dads. A great community event to start our Friday, Have a great Friday Falcons.
Literati Book Fair is here!! The book fair will open n Monday, Feb. 27 and run through March 3, 2023. Family night at the book fair is Thursday, March 2, 2023 from 5:30-7:30 in the library.
The classroom coin challenge will start Monday and run until Thursday. The classroom with the highest amount brought in per grade level, will win a book for their classroom!
Visit http://efairs.literati.com/ to place an online order or a gift card. See you at the Book Fair!
Congratulations to the 2023 Prom King and Queen candidates.
King- Daniel Donaldson, Benjamin Schlarb and Chris Trimble
Queen- Lily Farrow, Payton Logan and Aubrie Theis
Prom will be held at Little Creek Barn on April 22 at 6:30. The theme is Enchanted Garden.
Next week is Read Across America Week. Elementary students will participate in Dr. Seuss week. All students can participate in the Kona Ice. Elementary students can have their Kona ordered online ahead of time. Middle and High school students can buy with cash on Friday, March 3.
Students in grades 8-11 who are doing high school band or choir next year AND going on the New Orleans trip, you need to please register ASAP. If you need the registration information again, please reach out to Mr. Brincefield.
Any students who have done choir or band in the past but aren't currently enrolled due to scheduling conflicts are encouraged to join again and can register for the trip later. There are only 55 spots on our bus so please see Mr. Brincefield for more information soon!
Parents of current 6th graders: Mr. Shumaker, Riverdale MS School Counselor, has sent you an email (to the email listed in FinalForms and to your 6th graders email). This email has the music request form for your child for next year when they are 7th graders. This should only take 2-3 minutes and should be completed by the parent. Please complete this form by Thursday March 2nd. Please contact Mr. Shumaker, ashumaker@riverdalefalcons.org or 419-694-2211 ext. 1105, with any questions.
Deputy Corey Hartman, Riverdale SRO presents to 5th graders in Mrs. Bickford's classroom, Spencer is paying attention along with the class.
Falcon Cafe fruit & vegetable bar is now available to all students and staff,
great job food service team.
🎥🎬Riverdale PTO is hosting a Movie Day for Riverdale Students and their families!🎬🎥
You will receive a 🎟 free ticket to the featured movie
Puss in Boots, The Last Wish, a small popcorn 🍿and a small drink. 🥤
All provided by the PTO!
⚠️Limited to the first 275 people!⚠️
Scan the QR code to sign up or click on this link!